These days, they say anyone and their grandma can create and launch a website. But having been through it a handful of times, I can say truthfully it's still kind of a mess. Perhaps it's even intentional—companies like SquareSpace and Wix thrive precisely because it's still so difficult! Even the best tutorials are generally scattered, don't explain the meaning behind each step, and often just unhelpfully link you to generic documentation. This post attempts to teach you to launch your own website in a maintainable and explainable way.
You'll need some familiarity with command line tools. To be clear, this post is not about creating content for your website (HTML/CSS/JS). Instead, this tutorial will lead you through deploying your website once it's ready by launching a fresh AWS machine, setting up an NGINX web server, setting up a domain on Google Domains, and adding HTTPS using Certbot. If that sounds like what you've been searching for, read on!
Part 1: Launching the Web Server
In the old days of Web 1.0, people used to run web servers from their own computers sitting inside their homes. These days, it's common practice to rent cloud compute on a virtual machine owned and maintained by a provider, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), or Microsoft Azure. There aren't many differences between them, but just know that each cloud provider intentionally tries to lock you into their ecosystem, making it hard to change providers later. We'll use AWS for the purposes of this tutorial, sticking with the options that fall under AWS's Free Tier so we can run our website for free for the first year.
- Navigate to log in/sign up.
- From the Services menu, navigate to EC2. EC2 stands for Elastic Compute Cloud and is where we will launch a virtual machine which will become our web server.
- Click the orange Launch Instances button.
- We're asked to choose an operating system. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll choose Ubuntu Server 20.04. We'll leave the option on the right toggled to 64-bit (x86). Click Select.
- Next, we're asked to choose how powerful of a machine we want. For this tutorial, we'll choose the t2.micro since it's eligible for the free tier. Click Next: Configure Instance Details.
- Nothing to do here! Click Next: Add Storage.
- Our machine currently has 8 GB of storage. You can choose up to 30 GB if you like for free. Click Next: Add Tags.
- Nothing to do here! Click Next: Configure Security Group.
- In its current security configuration, this machine will only allow SSH connections and nothing else. However, web servers need to accept HTTP and HTTPS connections, so let's add those. Click Add Rule and choose HTTP under Type. Click Add Rule again and chooseHTTPS under Type.
Your security group configuration should now look like this.

Your security group configuration should now look like this.
- Click Review and Launch then Launch.
- A pop-up appears asking to select an existing key pair or create a new key pair. Choose Create a new key pair. Set the type to RSA. Give it any name, e.g. personal-website, and click Download Key Pair. You can save the resulting .pem file anywhere, but I'd recommend keeping it in
. This file is called an Identity File and is necessary to SSH into your AWS machine. You'll have to modify the permissions on this file before you can use it with SSH. Run the following command in your terminal:chmod 400 <path/to/your/identity/file.pem>
Download your Identity File from this pop-up.

Download your Identity File from this pop-up.
- Click Launch Instances.
- Give AWS a few minutes to spin up your new machine. Once it's launched, you'll be able to see it on the EC2 dashboard. From the dashboard, click on Instances and click on the Instance ID of your new machine. This will show information about your new instance, including its Public IPv4 address which you should note down.
- Almost there! Now, let's SSH into our new machine and install a web server. Apache and NGINX are popular free ones—there isn't much difference so we'll use NGINX for this tutorial. You'll need the IPv4 address of your machine and the .pem file you downloaded earlier. Run the following command from your terminal:
Note: If you'll be SSH-ing into your machine a lot, you can set up a convenient nickname insidessh -i <path/to/your/identity/file.pem> ubuntu@<your IPv4>
so you don't have to type the path to the .pem file and IPv4 information every time. - We're now inside our brand new machine. It's good practice to always run
sudo apt update
andsudo apt -y upgrade
in any new Ubuntu machine. This will download updates and may take a couple minutes. - Once that's done, let's install NGINX with
sudo apt install nginx
. Once it's installed, let's launch it withsudo nginx -s reload
. At this point, you should be able to navigate to your server's IPv4 address in your browser and see the NGINX welcome page!
Your server is up and running if you can see this in your browser.

Your server is up and running if you can see this in your browser.
- At the moment, NGINX is serving a static HTML page located on your server at
. You can edit this file—go ahead and try—but it's a bit cumbersome because you'll need superuser privileges every time. Let's point NGINX to a new folder in our home directory calledhtml
instead. Run:
Now, let's point NGINX to our new folder. Edit the file atcd ~ mkdir html chmod 755 html/ cp /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html html/
using your favorite editor with sudo privileges. This is the configuration file for our web server. Find the line that saysroot /var/www/html
and modify it to point to our new folder. It should now say:... root /home/ubuntu/html; ...
- You can now edit your
file as you please! It's common practice to shorten this filename toindex.html
for convenience if you'd like. Don't worry, it won't break anything.
Part 2: Pointing a Domain at the Web Server
Hooray! Now our web server is running, but our visitors would have to type our IP address into their browser to visit it, which isn't a great experience. Instead, we'd like to point a custom domain to our server. This part is much easier—just have your IPv4 address handy from earlier. Typical websites for purchasing domains include GoDaddy, BlueHost, and Google Domains. For reference, AWS also has their own domain management system called Route 53, but it's confusing and difficult to use. Let's use Google Domains for this tutorial.
- Navigate to Google Domains.
- Click Get a new domain and purchase something you like. Take your time, I'll be here.
- Navigate to My domains and click on your new domain.
- From the left menu, choose DNS.
- Under Custom records, let's add two new records—one for
and one
.- For the first one, leave Host name empty. Under Type, select A because we're creating what's called an A-name record. Leave TTL as 3600—that's just a "time to live" parameter we don't need to worry about. Finally, under Data enter your server's IPv4 address.
- Create one more that's identical to the previous one but whose Host name is
. - Hit Save.
- That's it! Give it a few minutes, then try navigating to your domain from your browser. You should see your website! If you're having trouble, I'd recommend looking into the
command line tool to debug.
Part 3: Adding HTTPS (Optional)
You may have noticed your browser complaining that your website is insecure. This is because modern websites use HTTPS for encrypting traffic, but our website is only configured for HTTP. HTTPS is technically optional, but not really because these days Google won't even surface your website in search results unless it has HTTPS enabled.
There are many providers of HTTPS certificates. Let's useCertbotsince it's easy and free. Note that Certbot will prompt you to renew your certificate every 90 days.
- SSH into your machine.
- Run:
sudo apt install -y python3-certbot-nginx
- Run Certbot:
Certbot should lead you through a few steps:sudo certbot --nginx
- Enter your email so Certbot can remind you to renew your certificate every 90 days.
- Then enter the domain name you purchased, e.g.
. - Finally, allow Certbot to modify your NGINX configuration. As a result, Certbot will edit
to redirect anyone trying to connect to your website insecurely over HTTP to connect over HTTPS instead.
- You'll need to create a new NGINX configuration file for your website. The name of the file is typically the same as your domain name. Run the following:
Edit the file we just created calledcd /etc/nginx/sites-available/ sudo touch
using your favorite editor (vim, nano, etc.) with sudo privileges. Add the following content inside, replacing all six instances
with your domain name:server { listen 80; server_name; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; } server { listen 443 ssl; server_name; root /path/to/html; index index.html; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; }
- We can put multiple configurations inside
, but NGINX will only run the one(s) pointed to by the file inside/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
. We'll now create a symbolic link, which is just a file that points to another file, to point to our configuration. Run:cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled sudo rm default sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/
- Reload NGINX to apply the updated configuration with:
sudo nginx -s reload
- Your website now has HTTPS! Navigate to your website in your browser to check—you should see the "insecure connection" icons/messages disappear. It may take a reload or two.
Next Steps
Now that your website is launched, how should you actually build your content? Well, that's beyond the scope of this tutorial, but it depends on how simple or sophisticated of a website you need.
If you're just putting up a single page with no forms, you can write raw HTML/CSS/JS in your index.html
file without relying on any other tools.
If you want to put up multiple static pages (like a blog or project portfolio), you can use a static website generator like Jekyll or Hugo. These days, however, it's most common to use React for new websites if you're comfortable with JavaScript. These tools save you from having to add your header and footer to every page by hand, and have many free, open-source themes you can use.
Lastly, if you're planning to run a complex app with forms and user log in, you should build a web app using a tool like Django or Flask if you're comfortable with Python, or Next.js if you're comfortable with JavaScript. These require some additional setup—perhaps to be covered in another blog post—but will plug right into your current configuration.
For now though, congratulations netizen, you have your very own website! Happy serving!